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24/ 7 TweetView | Social Media Monitoring Web Application


The influence and pertinence of social media on any business today is undeniable. When the offer to develop 24/7 TweetView, a web application that could measures the combined influence of tweets on a company and offer analysis on these, was presented to Neev ,it was an opportunity that could not be missed. Working on a product on which they could leverage their expertise in web and social media and providing the technical as well as the functional know-how was something that Neev was excited about.

The Neev Edge

With Neev's extensive experience in web and social media and the integration of the two, a product that could measure the influence of tweets on an organization was developed. Through extensive data mining techniques, analysis and reports could be developed for any organization that was being tweeted about. And all this being done online. Neev worked with 24/7 TweetView to develop the tool with active engagement from the drawing board to deployment. 24/7 TweetView can monitor over a million tweets.

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